313. 313 likes on Wordkrapht's Facebook page in a little over two months. We started from scratch. We are all die hard, passionate fans of music. We want to support independent musicians who are doing it by themselves with complete artistic freedom. They put blood, sweat, and tears into the music and they deserve to be heard. There are billions of people all over the world and every one of them listens to music at some point every day. So there are plenty of people out there who are bound to enjoy at least one artist we introduce to the world on Wordkrapht's website. If we can add just one of our artists to a person's playlist, we have succeeded. These artists have a voice of their own, but damn it's good to have another voice to back them up. That's our job at Wordkrapht. To be the support for these incredible, independent musicians. Hell, we don't even make money off of this website. We are all just passionate people who love music and writing about music in order to let the world know there's more than overproduced, mainstream music out there.
So, take a chance on Wordkrapht like we've taken a chance on all of these musicians. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, share a review you like by posting on your wall or retweeting one of our tweets. Social media is a powerful tool and it only takes one click to help spread the word and help our community expand to a larger audience. Help us reinvent indie.
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And if you're a musician who is interested in submitting their music and to become a part of our community, send your information and music to: submit@wordkrapht.com
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