When I went to World Cafe Live with my friend, Amy, in the beginning of December (for the Bryan Greenberg show) we noticed a flyer that displayed future shows and one show caught our eye. RAD BROMANCE - AN ALL MALE LADY GAGA TRIBUTE BAND. We simultaneously agreed that we had to buy tickets for the show. I mean, come on, what female in today's day and age wouldn't want to see an all male band rock out to Lady Gaga covers? So, on December 22nd, Amy, our friend, Tiff, and I traveled down to World Cafe Live for this event. The show took place on the upstairs stage at WCL, which I was surprised because I imagined a band like this to play on the downstairs stage (plus there is a lot more room to stand and dance downstairs). Unfortunately, we weren't able to reserve a table so we had to do the whole standing room only thing, which the upstairs venue is not really well equipped for that. It was packed in there, so that was probably the only compliant I had because we couldn't really see the stage very well. Other than that, it was an amazing show. Rad Bromance basically gave all of Lady Gaga's hit songs a rock twist, which was refreshing. As much as I love Lady Gaga, her songs get overplayed on the mainstream radio, so it was nice to hear a new version of her songs. I just wish they sold their version of her songs, but I'm pretty sure they'd have to deal with all the copyright issues if they were to do so. Apparently, Rad Bromance is originally from the Philadelphia area. Since Gaga only has so many hits (I mean, she's only been around a couple of years) the band only performed for about an hour, but they basically covered every one of her popular songs. I'm not quite sure how often they play in the area, but if you're a Gaga fan (aka "Little Monster") then I suggest you check them out. They have a page on facebook (I've included a link below) that displays their upcoming shows. I also included some YouTube videos of Rad Bromance performing live (some of the sound isn't the greatest, but it gives you an idea).
Rad Bromance's Facebook Page
Rad Bromance performing "Bad Romance"
Rad Bromance performing "Love Game"
Rad Bromance performing "Dance in the Dark"
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