On Monday, April 9th, 2012 I saw Tyler Hilton at the Tin Angel in Philly. Tyler is another musician who displayed his music and was a character on the show One Tree Hill. That's how I first discovered him. He played Chris Keller on the show - an egotistical musician who almost broke up a marriage, went away for a few season, and then returned for the last season. In the last season, he showcased a couple of songs from his latest CD and I found him to be the comic relief in a season with a lot of drama. Anyway, the only songs I really knew were the songs played on One Tree Hill. I downloaded his newest CD, Forget The Storm, a few weeks before the show and fell in love with every track.
Hilton isn't stupid - he knows that most of his fans follow his music because of the One Tree Hill fame. He ended up playing a lot of older songs that appeared on the show, along with some of the tracks off his latest release. He had a great stage presence and communicated with the audience a lot. He's got a hilarious personality. My only complaint all night was some groups of girls would clap off beat to almost every song...even the slow songs! I mean, I'm all about the hand clapping - when it's appropriate. This got ridiculous at some points. Other than that, it was an awesome show and you could tell he enjoyed playing for this particular crowd. My friend, Joanna, and I even got a chance to meet him afterward (couldn't get a picture because there were so many girls who stuck around after) and he was super nice. Overall I would definitely go back to see him perform live again. I included the set list and some videos I took with my iPhone (we were in the back of the room, so they're not the best, but the sound's decent). I also included a couple of other videos I found on YouTube so you can check out some of his songs.
Tyler Hilton's Set List - Tin Angel, Philadelphia, PA - Monday, April 9, 2012
Kicking My Heels
Sunset Blvd.
Missing You
You'll Ask For Me
Ain't No Fooling Me
Keep On
Can't Stop Now
Prince of Nothing Charming
My video of Tyler Hilton performing the cover "Missing You"
My video of Tyler Hilton performing "Loaded Gun"
Tyler Hilton on One Tree Hill performing "Loaded Gun"
Tyler Hilton performing "Kicking My Heels"